Our Family Community

The connection between CA and the families we serve is essential for healthy development and overall life satisfaction for each student.  To nurture and respect the school-to-family connection, CA finds family participation and input vital.

Children's Academy Offers

CA Parent Association

Along with the joys and happiness of raising a son or daughter, having a child with learning differences and unique sensitivities can be an isolating experience at times. Many families report that one of their favorite things about CA is the life-long friendships they have built with other families. The CA Parent Association plans monthly meetings and frequent social events to provide opportunities to welcome new CA families and strengthen the bonds between all CA parents. You will be sure to find people in the CA Parent Association who simply “get” what you’re going through.

Every parent at CA is a member of our Parent Association. The CA Parent Association utilizes its membership dues to help offset the costs of field trips, parent welcome/open house events, and Staff Appreciation gifts.

Parent Association

Resources For Families

Pay Your PA Dues

Children's Academy's Parent Association collects dues annually from each school family. This agreed upon amount goes towards after school events, curriculum enrichment trips, and other PA needs. Click here to pay your annual dues.

CA After School Programming

CA offers our families a variety of afterschool programs. Click here to learn more.

We Need YOU!

Parent involvement is essential to our children's success. Let us know how you can be a part of our community. Some parents donate their time, others their talents. Contact us today!

Get into the CA Spirit

Purchase your CA spirit wear from our Lands End CA school store.

Have an Idea?

Do you have an idea for a project or event and would like to present and spear head it at our school, click here to fill out our event request form.

Self-Direction Resource Group

Are you Interested in Learning about OPWDD Self-Direction? Already have Self-Direction but would like additional information? Or would you like to chat with other parents about Self-Direction, and share resources with each other? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then come join CA's Self-Direction Group held the 3rd Thursday of every month and email Gina with any questions.

School Calendar

Wondering when school vacation begins?. Check out the 2024-2025 school calendar. Download our 2024-25 calendar here.

CA Pictures

A picture is worth a thousand words. Check out our photo gallery.

CA Gala

Get Your Tickets Today!

Children's Academy's annual gala, cocktail party and auction is Friday, April 25th from 6-9pm. The event will be held at Inside Park at St. Bart's.

Auction Committee

The auction committee never sleeps! We are already working on the 2025 gala and currently looking for help. Contact the Amelia Lewis to learn more!

News & Events

Introducing The CA Voice

Children’s Academy is made up of a team of highly skilled professionals, and as a speech and language school, the speech department plays a vital role. We are a department

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Kudos to a great Gala

Oh what a night! Thank you Elena Oliva and Sight & Sound for capturing this evening for us. Your pictures are beautiful. To see ALL the photos, check out the

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