Introducing The CA Voice

Children’s Academy is made up of a team of highly skilled professionals, and as a speech and language school, the speech department plays a vital role. We are a department of 12 extremely passionate and talented SLPs, and it is our hope that through this newsletter, we can showcase what we do on a daily basis.

In each issue, we hope to spotlight members of our department, as well as our students — both of whom are doing amazing work every day. Additionally, we plan to shed light on a hot topic in our field and provide tips for families to help support their child’s speech and language skills at home.

As our student population is incredibly diverse, it’s important to note that not every topic or tip shared will apply to every child, but the hope is to provide a range of topics so that over the course of the year, our families will feel well-informed and well-supported.

We are really excited to launch The CA Voice, and even more excited to see how this project evolves. If you have specific questions, feedback, or suggestions for future issues of the newsletter, please feel free to reach out To Elizabeth.

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